The Dr. Quack long note on Long Covid

Dr. Quack possesses a GCSE in Double Science.

All references have ommitted to allow the following to be easily dismissed as the ravings of a crank.

“Long Covid” is as yet a poorly defined diagnosis that refers to a range of symptoms. Many are familiar as post-viral fatigue, some are more specific to the action of SARS Cov-2 and its descendants.

SARS 2 is a neural parasite, and like all neural parasites attempts to alter the behaviour of its host to increase chances of replication. In this case, it appears to encourage social upheaval and secrecy. The latter, of course, makes sensible discussion of it, more difficult than pre-infection.

What we do know is that genetically similar viruses, which on the face of it are surly relatives of the common cold, are, by International agreement, only researched in Bio- Security Level 4 labs. That is weapons grades facilities home to genocidal microbes like smallpox and bubonic plague.

Conjecturally it would appear to be an “alpha release” of an innovative biological or nano-computing standard, likely competing with pre-existing devices and as such discussion of it becomes security, economically and legally sensitive.


SARS Cov-2 2019 is an airborne virus that infects the lungs though its spike protein attaching to the ACE2 protein receptor. It infects cells and causes them to produce three large poly-proteins and an array of kinases (protein scissors) that vary by strain.

Discovering the actual proteins produced is always complicated by SARS 2 carrying a genetic stop codon that makes the ribosome (bit of the cell that turns RNA or an unzipped DNA strip into proteins) jump bases sometimes. This feature appears to be unique to SARS-2 among Coronaviruses.

SARS 2 infects three classes of neuron, peripheral vascular, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. It binds to neuro-pilin 2 which is a signalling molecule that polarises calcium in cerebro-spinal fluid to direct dendritic growth (neuron input wires). It also infects neurons in other areas of the body, e.g. heart, and gut bacteria (and just about anything on land that isn’t a pig).

Quack note: SARS 2 does not attack SARS 1, Swine Flu and Crickivirus. For these viruses it places an sRNA stop codon on their 5-UTR (starting section) – silencing them.


This is not a discussion of what it is like to be a bat, but bats carry an outrageous number of them. Bats have a huge body temperature range, rapid metabolism and can produce a very high heart rate.

Viruses, in needing cell machinery to replicate, depend on free blood sugar to operate. When infected, to keep replication rates down, avoid refined sugar.

More generally, diets that require greater metabolic work, or avoid the carbohydrate pathway, make the life of a virus much more difficult. That is a larger proportion of fat (unheated fat if you don’t want secondary problems) fibre (where the gut bugs produce energy when you move) or using the Krebbs cycle – which is energy metabolised from Vitamin C.

Quack note: This means Olive Oil and Parsley


Long covid appears to fall into two broad categories which doubtless co-influence. “Mental Health” related and fatigue related.

“Mental Health” is a widely used term that is increasingly backed up by detailed causal understanding.

Socially induced mental health issues include a shear disbelief that power can actually be so wedded to the secrecy induced by the parasite. Leading to denial, dismissal or detention for overtly discussing symptoms. This situation induces mental health through cognitive dissonance and inequality associated conditions.

Quack note: the remedies to socially induced mental health are collective and too complex to discuss here. Standard prescriptions include joining a group hobby and writing to your MP.


Cognitive issues induced by neural inflammation are common in Covid. With encephalitis and hallucinations reported. The anti-inflammatory compound Carnosic Acid has been shown to limit the inflammatory effects of Covid. Lavender, known to be relaxing, has neural anti-inflammatory properties.

Quack note: Eat rosemary. Fortnum’s Victoria Grey is a lavender tea.

Quack note: Curcumin, present in Turmeric and Cumin is as effective an anti-inflammatory as ibuprofen. It is best taken in small quantities with pepper, or something containing pepperine (ginger, rocket, mustard).

Quack note: Neural anti-oxidants shown to help against dementia and associated symptoms include Green tea, Sage, Olives, Rosehips, Hibiscus and Green Tea. Green tea and Hibiscus effect the eostrogen cycle in ways I have never researched. Did I mention Green Tea, five cups a day, Sencha from the Japan Centre.


Cuba has made progress using medicines based on the immune system compounds, alpha and delta interferon. Long known as a fever remedy, these compounds, along with Vitamin K and some others, are found in Chicken bone stock. The consumption of which improves immune function in the upper lungs.

Quack note: Organic chickens. Boil chicken thighs from Iceland at your own risk (for chicken to be labelled chicken it must be 80% chicken).


The rise in bi-polar, cynical oppression and Schizophrenic related symptoms points to an action that causes an imbalance between dopamine and serotonin between brain hemispheres. This suggest that Covid is a dopaminergic virus, something which would also account for symptoms related to loss of balance, risk taking and abuse of power.

The simplest way to balance your brain hemispheres is through food, sleep and exercise. Potatoes and cocoa are two foods that improve serotonin levels. Food containing tyrosine, eggs, chicken, avocados, are a good pathway to dopamine.

Combined with the rise in tinnitus, common symptoms suggests that Covid infects the auditory cortex, among other regions. As far as the published literature and discussion goes, it is the linguistic symptoms that receive the least attention. I will consider the etiology of these symptoms below.

Quack note: Tortilla. Baked Potatoes with mayonnaise. Egg and Chips. Your gut will allocate metabolites as its wont dictates.

Quack note: Egg, chicken, avocado salad with mayonnaise, tell yourself you’re wonderful and your vagus nerve will support the idea.

Quack note: Haem, as in Haemoglobin, present in red meat removes viral particles from the cerebro-spinal fluid. Duck is an alternative to beef or lamb. Four legged animals cause secondary metabolic problems if eaten frequently.

Quack note: Meditation, the majority of the world exist in cultures that have thought it a good idea for three thousand years.

Dr.Quack’s brain food

Quack note: Fish is the richest source of brain nutrients. Humans are a singing fish loving ape. Bi-valves Molluscs are an excellent choice for the carbon conscious.

Quack note: Berries. In particular blueberries. They provide precursors to insulate your brain wiring.

Quack note: Nuts. Nuts contain a range of mono-unsaturated fats that have action in the brain. The clue in the name may well be a mouth-gut-brain connection issue in a high nut diet, be careful if you live in a Walnut forest. Almonds are king nut, and account for a substantial percentage of the world’s pesticide use, which is largely an issue for California. Hazelnuts are good for brain action generally. Brazil nuts (selenium) make you happy. Walnuts are good for your memory and make you sad. Dr. Quack supports nuts.

Quack note: Sunflower oil rots your brain. There’s war in the sunflower fields, use Rice Bran for frying.

Quack note: B Vitamins. Marmite. Malt. Mushrooms. Miso. Miso is an incredible symbiot which will produce B3 in your gut. Too much B vitamins will make you infertile.

Quack note: Cocoa. Increases neural plasticity, is anti-depressant and improves learning capacity.


Recent evidence points to malfunctioning gene expression in the blood cells as an indicator of long Covid. This would be consistent with Covid as a lung disease, as the lungs play a role in the formation of blood cells.

The basic and most effective way to address cardio-pulmonary issues is through exercise. The upside of having poor cardio-vascular fitness is that you don’t have to do much exercise to put yourself to sleep.

If aerobic exercise is non-applicable, breathing exercises are recommended.

Quack note: Yoga is probably the discipline with the greatest body of breathing exercises. For fashionable contemporary breathing, see Wim Hof.

Quack note: few lung infections can survive shoulder stands, the inversion of your mucus flow traps bugs.

Quack note: Steaming your face is an effective way to move compounds, e,g, rosemary oil, into the lungs and will improve your complexion.

Many fatigue related conditions are caused by a low level of iron in the blood. The immune system makes heavy use of iron during infection and Covid alters the body’s metabolism of iron. Consuming iron rich food may help boost immune function and energy levels.

Quack note: this means spinach. also Red meat, molluscs, liver.

Renal issues are doubtless key, the liver being a key protein factory in the body, keeping your liver and kidneys clean can be aided by good hydration and cabbage soup.

Quack note: Trampolines are a great form of exercise. Jumping stimulates the liver.

Quack note: Eat more garlic, it cleans your blood and retains all sorts of anti-baddie (viral, bacterial, inflammatory, oxidant) properties after digestion.

Quack note: Chilli increases enzyme production in the liver.

Quack note: Lemon thins your blood, making it easier for the liver to process.

Quack note: Oats and Celery both contain blood soluble fibre which act like extra cleaners.

Quack note: Removing aluminium from blood is aided by Silica, which means bamboo shoots or Volvic.

Quack note: Spirulina is the finest biological mop cultivated. It binds to everything, including radioactive material and being a high protein bacteria is terribly Zeitgeist. Get good Spirulina because it’s the finest biological mop cultivated and binds to everything.


The recent variant of concern, Pi, identified in America was shown to be present in sewers even when no individuals tested positive in a PCR test, indicating that this variant had evolved to live in the gut and not the lungs.

The gut-brain connection, long relegated to fringe journals, is now front and centre of research, with bacteria now known to be responsible for around half of the body’s production of neuro-chemicals including dopamine and serotonin. The gut is an eco-system with its own fauna and flora, the key is to have a rich habitat for its inhabitants, which means scaffolds and structures, which means fibre.
The industrial food chain has ground, milled and refined fibre out of our diet.

Quack note: Seeds. Whole, unground seeds are the main missing component of our evolutionary diet. This means berries and spices.

Quack note: If it’s a seed, it can be a sprout. Nothing has the nutritional or economic quality of sprouts.

Quack note: Linseed, or flax seed, is one of the only non-fish sources of balanced Omega-acids, vital for a functioning brain. It is not bio-available from linseed unless sprouted. This is true of many compounds found in seeds.


Covid infects fat cells. From which it can replicate and cause all sorts of downstream problems. Fat generally stores toxic compounds and is one way the body isolates toxins when the renal system is overloaded. Fat is best burned regularly. This is largely an issue of raising your metabolic rate.

Quack note: Early mornings, cold showers, five cups of green tea a day, will all raise your metabolic rate

Quack note: Snacking (eating half a handful of something) every hour, will raise your metabolic rate. Best done on a good breakfast.

Quack note: The main thing that slows metabolism is sitting down. If you stand up and move every hour your metabolism will stay ready for action. In which case a small period of intense exercise once per week will maintain basic fitness (20 second sprint).

Quack note: If you don’t eat breakfast your metabolism will go on strike.


Covid infection of nasal neurons can jam them to “on” causing them to lose function. The simple way to restore sense of smell, which is a highly flexible and extremely sensitive system, is to smell smelly things.

Quack note: smelling different odours correlates with decreased chance of dementia. Sandalwood, long used in temples of the east, has been shown to aid memory function. Dr. Quack would guess burning Sage does similar.


Luteins and carotenes are essential for eye health. For an extensive range eye exercises see Yoga.

Quack note: Grapefruit contains compounds that protect the eye from damage caused by staring at back lit screens.


The lymphatic system is where the debris of your immune system collect. It is a passive circulatory system moved principally by the action of your diaphragm. It is also circulates by swinging your limbs e.g. walking.

The lymphatic system offers the quickest route into the brain through (a nanoscopically small channel in) the nose.
Clearance of your lymphatic system is aided by the release of sweat, tears and sexual fluids.

Quack note: Contemplate Onions. Having chopped an onion, contemplate that the bulb above the root is the likely locus of any cognitive processes that onion possesses, that the dormant onion is still alive and that in chopping it you will have inflicted the maximal possible quanta of suffering that the onion can experience. Follow this by contemplating the daily holocaust of onions across the planet.

Quack note: It is likely that deep breathing exercises in meditation promote health by moving the lymph system.


The high level decision to model what exactly can be aspirationally accomplished on any network with a certain level of net worth when the prognosis is exacerbated by climate change, is not the sentence of any eloquent user of the English language, but an n-gram search would probably reveal a rise in the usage of this vocabulary over the preceding few years.

Given all Covid cousins are locked in BSL-4 labs we can safely assume that it forms one element of what the Pentagon was referring to when it released a statement criticising “Chinese Mind Control Weaponry”. Though the fact that we’re alive also confirms the State Department’s view that this is not a “weaponised” virus. It appears to be a client-side constructor for biological computing, which uses viral proteins as the basis for nano-self assembly.

Two published developments in 2018 were likely critical. One is a machine learning algorithm to interpret the brain’s internal speech language through EEG readings, another is the development of the capacity to not just send signal in or out of bacterial cells, but run logic functions within the membranes, or cytoplasm, of cells. The capacity of the brain to decipher words sent in via EEG was first demonstrated in 1936 (possibly 33, I get it mixed up with the date of the first electron microscope) in Germany.

Many electronic components are relatively simple things by modern engineering standards. A transistor is an insulator sandwich, an electrode is merely a device that stores a charge, which is one thing a neuron does, an inductor is a coil that stores a charge.

The likelihood is that some symptoms are caused by a self-assembling EEG and other components used in brain imaging e.g. something that stores magnetic charge e.g. iron, single-nucleic sequencing of neurons by a virus (adeno and adeno associated virus are often used in lab neuro-science) and possibly an acoustic microscope and/or a photon generating source for optical imaging. Protein reduction of metals in the body would provide material for components that cannot be emulated with biology.


One of the the give aways that we are dealing with an EEG reader based on a Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (GPT) Natural Language Processing unit, is that it makes common grammatical errors of interpretation outlined as weak points in published literature. Notably, it struggles with time, numbers, and it.

The capacity to create in-body or in-brain semi-conductors does not mean that anyone has written suitable code for them. What is more likely is that existing algorithms, from GPTs, social media attention, advertising and other areas are simply compiled into the new protocol; producing a god awful mess

“Messi is the highest level”

  • Xavi Hernandez

The upshot of which is that lavender is unlikely to be a complete solution to latest iteration of the armoury of World War Three, but it is a neural anti-inflammatory.

Quack note: linguistic influence likely targets the language circuits in the cerebellum, which are largely non-conscious and overlap gesticular control. Assuming the main target is the less utilised right hemisphere language centre, using your left hand should help.

Quack note: Bao ding iron balls will occupy your mind.

Quack note: another area of pre-conscious linguistic control exists in the basal ganglia and upper spine which is only used in full belt signing. The Lancet recommends opera for long covid.

Quack note: the Lancet is the journal of Surgeons. Sinister.

Quack note: Song and poetry will occupy your right hemisphere language centre. Useful mnemonics can be used to tune the EEG up so it doesn’t drag on your brain so much.

In the absence of any regulation nationally or internationally to the contrary, we should speculate that various nano-tech devices have been deployed already (and that agencies have been nefarious with microbes since at least the 1920s). It seems likely that SARS Cov-2 is designed to tag or compete with this existing ecosystem.

The difficulty facing the general population is that because everything in this space is very cheap to replicate (especially code) and it is clearly the power instrument of the age, it is subject to intense competition in development. The instruments to detect and affect the in-body systems are likely to be the very instruments of geo-political competition, and as such, they’re not going to let herd have access to them.

We can take it as read that information on SARS is limited by international agreement not to tell the children. The ethics of this are probably motivated in no small part by the potential power offered in the development of this range of technologies {gene-editing, nano-tech, ai cross over}.


The main constituents of a healthy immune system are regular bed times, exercise, carotenes, leafy vegetables and sunlight.

It is entirely plausible that the great Chinese innovation has been to move biological computing on to the immune system itself. The immune system, with memory (B) cells and protein dependent functions functions as a biological processing unit naturally. Immune pathways are a system amenable to processing by GPT because they take a snapshot of the whole sentence or path, and then understand the constituent elements in relation to each other.

The great Chinese crime may have been to target conscious circuits, principally the pre-frontal cortex to increase persuasive power of an otherwise subtle system.

Quack note: The make-up of your immune system shifts about an hour before bed. During the day the body focuses on producing defence, during the night it focuses on cleaning up. This is why colds are worse when you wake up.

Quack note: Vitamin D is essential for a functioning immune system. Oral supplements are not shown to have a significant effect, metabolisation of Vitamin D from sunlight does.


Where that leaves the rest of us for now is in New Ageism.

This is a technology clearly deployed at the edge of the grasp of human knowledge. Indeed at the edge of the grasp of Augmented Intelligence. The evidence is not in, the machines are still learning, we are now as societies all fixing engines in the air, assisted by new borns of a new born species.

The offered “social contract” appears to be vocalisation of right hemisphere calculations in exchange for surveillance in silence (a large part of the problem is that it is likely that the dream of in-brain surveillance requires alteration of the brain’s underlying mechanisms, presumably achieved by a few transistors and stimulating pluri-potent stem cells in the brain). Altered dreams, inflamed fusiform gyrus (facial recognition area) and speech based training algorithms seems to be other consequences of infection.

Given the quite literally mind-boggling capacity of neural viruses; when we run the rule over the possible applications of neural viruses x gene editing x the capacity to control sub-atomic structures from space (satellite quantum comms) x machine learning x big data, this is doubtless an evolving space subject to its own inherent tension.

The basic question of the good life and how to run the human machine is offered as the principle equation in a necessarily overly-individualistic psychology (our psychological research base publishes on .33 correlation, the Russians are better at it).

Long Covid for many will be driven by expectation that authority is more honest than it in fact is.
To return to the classics – How do you regulate power when power’s desire is to escape regulation?